Transition with Delegation
Ready or Not the transition of Spring is HERE! For some, this is a welcomed transition of warm weather, longer days, and increased activity. For others, Spring represents pollen and your allergies flaring.
Either way, the transition of spring is here. In our last blog we discussed the impact that transition can create, and today I want to provide tips to HELP us transition.
Think of a backpack. A backpack is designed for transition and able to hold multiple things. Several items can be placed in this bag, but a distinguishing factor between the backpack and let’s say a tote bag is that the backpack is designed for the distribution of weight for the items you carry.
So to help us transition, let’s focus on delegation. Delegation is the ability to entrust a task or responsibility to another person. Delegation can help you transition.
Delegation allows the mind to focus and engage in what REQUIRES your attention. In other words, delegation lessens the load of worry, difficulty, and frustration that can accompany transition.
What current transition are you in? What changes are you experiencing in your life right now and what HELP do you NEED? Perhaps you are in the transition of the school year ending or your child leaving the home for summer vacation or high school graduation. There are MULTIPLE changes to factor within each transition. What help can you use with these transitions?
Can you ask your husband or family member to send you information about upcoming summer programs? Can you delegate for your child to do some research and make a list of items they need for college? Can you delegate someone to plan or assist with planning your end of the year or graduation celebration?
The moral of this story is that transition IS here.. Let’s use the tool of DELEGATION to help us as we transition.