Heart Health: Perspective

Ok. we discussed letting go of grudges as essential to having a healthy heart and today we will add on another aspect of heart health: use of perspective.

Perspective is a GIFT. Perspective is a tool to literally change what you see by changing HOW you see it. In other words, perspective gives you another way to look at things. This is helpful as it relates to our heart: our desires, values, thoughts, decisions, and motives. Again, your heart is the command center for your life.

Without perspective everything you experience can be viewed through the narrow lens of your preferences. Your viewpoint can lack the inclusion of others and even produce an attitude and method of thinking that is SELFISH.

When we exercise perspective and see things from a different point of view we are more likely to challenge and change difficult emotions, and improve our ability to work through conflict.

What is the last unpleasant situation you experienced? What is another way to view that situation? Even if it’s personally difficult to exercise perspective on your own, allow a friend or loved one to help you develop this tool for a healthy heat.

Learn more about perspective here


BLOOM into Transition


Signs of a Healthy Heart