BEAT Stress BEFORE it Begins

Now, that we’ve had some time to reflect on the stress in our lives (see prior blog) we can effectively build a plan to MANAGE our stress. Although stress can come from different moments or situations the impact from those moments can be HUGE. 

For example, one of my stress practices is stress eating-specifically eating anything sweet! A few years ago, everyday on my way home from work I would stop by the local gas station and get a piece of candy  to “soothe” the stress from the day. 

This “in the moment” practice costs me a 5-10 pound weight gain AND the ongoing urge to eat something sweet when stressed! Your stress habit may be online shopping….and judging from the Amazon boxes I see in my community daily I would say this may be a stress habit of several people. Although online shopping is fine, and eating a few sweets are ok, the continual HABIT of these things creates lasting impact (weight gain & overspending). 

So let’s beat stress BEFORE it begins. Identify the literal time of day when stress tends to onset for you and INTENTIONALLY incorporate a self soothing practice leading up to that time. 

For example, maybe returning to an empty house or dirty house is STRESSFUL for you. What is ONE THING you can do before you walk into the house that relaxes you? This could be: 

  • Talking to someone who makes you laugh

  • Listening to encouraging/motivating music

  • Sitting quietly and taking a few deep breaths

Also, challenge yourself to use PERSPECTIVE  in how you view stress. Instead of returning home to an empty house you are able to return home with no agenda and freedom to navigate the rest of your day. Instead of returning home to a dirty house you are returning home to a full house that is lived in by people you love. 

Let’s manage our stress by targeting when it occurs, paying attention to our habits, and being PROACTIVE. 

P.S.> Want to learn more about what you may be carrying that creates stress? Attend our free What’s In HER Bag session. Click here to sign up! 


Mental Health Vs. Mental Illness


What Stresses You?