REST is Necessary!
How often do YOU prioritize REST in your life? Do you schedule time to REST? Are you intentional about getting REST? Or do you treat rest as a luxury-non essential item? As you know, my focus for this year is MAXIMIZING my CAPACITY and a key ingredient for capacity is REST! It is impossible to PRODUCE within my own lane, my own strengths, and my sanity without obtaining and maintaining proper rest.
Oftentimes, when we discuss rest we may imagine physical rest from sleeping or taking a break from a physical activity, and while that is important, there is also a necessity for REST within specific areas of our lives. Rest is defined as: to cease from work or movement in order to relax; and ladies there are many areas in our lives that I believe God is calling us to RELAX in this year. He wants for us to cease from hustling, grinding, and “trying to make it happen”, and REST!
This month I’ll be sharing ways to REST in our relationships, work, and our personal “journey.” So I invite you to take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, and prepare to REST and build BALANCE with me!
~Dr. Niah