4 Daily Mental Health Practices
Continuing our month long discussion about Mental Health, lets discuss 4 Strategies to attend to your mental health DAILY.
Establish a Daily Routine-A routine or ritual is a collection of habits that you practice and implement regularly. The value in a routine is that the habits in your routine are automatic and do not require increased motivation or energy. This is beneficial for your mental health because it builds regulation and helps establish a baseline when you’re not feeling well.
In times of experiencing difficulty or changes in your mood, a daily routine will help you avoid very low dips in your mood. A good routine will kick in and provide some relief.
Examples of items to include in great routine include:
-morning inspiration (something you personally ENJOY after you wake up: music, coffee, reading, etc.)
-wind down time in the evenings
-physical self soothing practices (taking a shower, brushing your hair, getting dressed/changing clothes)
State Affirmations-Affirmations are positive thoughts and beliefs that you say to build your self esteem. Find 1 to 2 statements to say aloud daily and build improved beliefs. Practicing affirmations daily helps to interrupt and disrupt negative thoughts and beliefs. Examples of affirmations are:
-”I am worthy and deserving of love.”
-”I walk in my calling.”
-”I am a masterpiece.”
Access an Outlet-We need release throughout our day. On any given day we can experience a variety of events and emotions. Some events and emotions are positive, and some are negative. What do you have in place to assist you with releasing experiences and emotions that are difficult and overwhelming? Outlets prevent the build up of negative thoughts and emotions. Examples of outlets are:
Connect with Others-Maintaining contact with at least one person daily who you love and enjoy is helpful to balancing thoughts and feelings. Connection with others provides support, love, and perspective. When we find ourselves feeling low or overwhelmed we can rely on support from others to boost our mood.
Commit to practicing these strategies daily, and let me know how you GROW!